Best Examples Of Online Lead Generation Ads For Your Business

Best Examples Of Online Lead Generation Ads For Your Business

In the digital era where almost everyone has access to the internet in their pockets via smartphones or tablets, the opportunity for businesses to get noticed among their target audiences is practically endless. The Internet has grown to be a powerful tool which can be used for multiple purposes and makes searching for anything hassle free. Consumers can search for anything and everything on the internet and the search results can be customized in multiple ways depending on location, cost, reviews and distance preferences.

The changing consumer dynamics of online searching meant the opportunity to run ads on what is basically a virtual real estate for advertisements. The Google search engine is the go-to search engine used by the majority of the world. Google therefore launched its own online advertising platform named Google Adwords, where advertisers can pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.

Before we move on to some of the best examples for online advertising for lead generation, let us briefly cover why Google Adwords is the best choice for displaying ads.

  1. Proven return on investment (ROI) : Businesses usually make $ 2 on an average for every dollar spent on advertising.  
  2. Massive outreach: Google is the preferred search engine for 90% of the global market.  With more than 3.5 billion searches made daily on Google, the likelihood of finding a target audience on Google is very high.
  3. Warm leads: Searches on Google are made with an intent by people to discover, learn or buy.  Therefore it is a great platform to identify leads which have a high chance of realizing into a sale.

A Google ad usually includes three main parts which are:

  • The headline: Every Google ad has a bold line which people see first.  A user can create upto three headlines with up to 30 characters per headline.
  • Display URL or landing page: This is the online address of the advertiser or the ad destination page.
  • Description: This field is useful for describing the product or service in the advertisement.  A user can include two lines of text about products or services.  Each description is limited to 90 characters.

Companies or organizations can be as innovative as they can in creating a Google ad. The ads can be tailor made to deliver the message to your target audience with a clear call to action (CTA.)

Let us have a look at some of the best examples for Google ads.

1. Uber

Uber ads have specific landing pages for specific target audiences which means ads can be tweaked with specific keywords to have a doubly effective ad.  For example, the Uber ad displays landing pages for people who want to hire a cab as well as a landing page for people who want to drive for Uber to earn income.

2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp includes sitelink extensions on their online ads to provide more information to their target audience about different items. Sitelinks take people to key pages on your site that complement your ad text, and give people more opportunity to learn about your products, pricing, features, success stories, request a demo, and more.  Mailchimp has sitelinks which give information about their pricing plans, marketing solutions and free email templates.

3. Dropbox

The file sharing app company Dropbox has a free 30 day trial included in their Google display ad headline with a specific sitelink extension for the free trial landing page.  Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses can learn from this and include a free trial package in their ads with a specific sitelink extension to increase their chances of acquiring paid subscribers.

4. Linkedin

The professional networking social platform Linkedin has ads which take people to landing pages tailored to specific audiences like a landing page for B2B marketers or a landing page for people to join the platform and begin networking.  Landing pages are particularly beneficial in Google Ads, as you can create content customized to people in certain industries and/or searching for certain keywords or topics.

5. Zendesk

Zendesk is a customer service software company and their Google ads include price extensions which are basically additional snippets of information.  Clicking on more beside a pricing plan will display a small hovering window with additional pricing plans and links to find out more about them.  Adding pricing extensions can help people quickly evaluate if your services fit their budget, and reduce any drop-offs when they get to the consideration stage later on.

6. Amazon 

E commerce giant Amazon has four different site extensions which are basically baits to lure in prospective customers to spend more time on their platform.  Amazon accomplishes this by picking at user’s curiosity by displaying extensions which offer lucrative discounts on product categories and also having an extension for the deal of the day.  E commerce platforms can learn from how Amazon displays their ads to reach out to their target customers.

7. Moz

Moz is a Search Engine Optimization website which has a really great Google ad.  Moz’s ad gives a precise summary of what they do and then reinforces it by providing links which lead to landing pages offering in depth explanations.  Moreover, the description also offers a free 30 day trial for Moz Pro as a call to action for the target audience and a site extension listing out all the free tools they provide.

8. Bonus- Whacked Out Media

At the end of the day what matters is the ROI from Google Ads along with the number of warm leads generated through the ads.  Achieving the maximum output from Google Ads is obtained through multiple trials and errors.  This is where Whacked Out Media with its inhouse and proven experienced talent resources comes in the picture. Whacked Out Media is able to give their clients the best output from their advertising needs.  The long list of happy testimonials from happy clients give strength to the reputation of the Whacked Out Media Brand.

Whacked Out Media provides

  • Dedicated resources to fulfill advertising needs.
  • Qualified professionals who are certified in Google adwords.
  • Branding strategy and management of marketing budgets.

This is how top Business To Business (B2C) and Business to Consumer (B2C) use Google Ads to convert online leads into sales and target realisations. While there is a lot of scope for coming up with innovative and catchy ads, it is a long process of constantly learning and tracking consumer dynamics. 

We hope that with this blog you have some fresh ideas on how to use Google Ads like top companies and also do check out our impressive happy clientele who are satisfied with our advertising and digital marketing services on our website. 


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